Myrle's Delica Enigma...

This Peyote stitch pattern on metal frame vessel 
was chosen by juror 
Bruce W. Pepich Executive Director 
of the Racine Art Museum
for the Wayne Art Center 2009 Craft Forms Exhibition.

The form measures 15" high x 11"wide x 11" deep
One day Myrle saw a form similar to this and 
decided she wanted to bead something with that same shape. 
So she drew up what she wanted and a friend of hers 
welded it together for her... Then she went to town!
All pattern artists have one thing in common – they all use patterns in their art. The medium or technique is not important as long as someone employs a combination of elements or shapes repeated in a recurring and regular arrangement. When it comes to art, patterns have been used from ancient times. They exist in nature; the repeating units of shape and form can be identified in the world that surrounds us.


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